Satisfied Customers:
CalcSheet D1-Ductwork Cost Estimate.xlsx
" I was able to save a lot of my time in ductwork estimating by using your spreadsheet.
Thank you HVACnotebook for htis great spreadsheet. Wish I had it years ago."
P. , February 2019
Motor Energy Consumption and Cost Estimates.xlsx
" This is so easy that anyone can do these energy analysis using these spreadsheets."
June 2017
CalcSheet QuickCalcs-HVAC.xlsx
" My team and I use this spreadsheet almost every day. It has many useful calculatoins.
HVACnotebook was even able to customize it for us to include our own calculations."
M. , May 2018
Contacts (searchable).xlsx
" I use this spreadsheet to keep track of my customers and clients. It's so easy to use.
I didn't know Excel can do such thing before."
C. ,July 2017
Customer Testimonials
CalcSheet P1-Piping Cost Estimate.xlsx
" This is a great spreadsheet. Now everyone in my office use it to do piping estimate
which makes it easier for me to check or take over."
C. , Janurary 2016