Purchase Using Credit Cards, PayPal, Check, or Money Order
Special Offers
LIMITED TIME OFFER - Good to June 20, 2020
REFERRALS: Refer a friend or colleague that made a purchase with us and you get 20%
off your next order (up to $100). Simply include your friend or colleague's name and code "Friend20%" in your email order request.
4, GET 1 FREE: Buy any four of our products and get one free. (Free item applies to the lowest cost item) Simply
include code "B4G1" in your email order request.
BUY 10, GET 25% OFF: Buy any ten items or more and get 25% off your total
order (up to $100). Simply include code "B10G25%" in your email order request.
BUY THEM ALL, GET 30% OFF: Buy all of our
products and get 30% off your total order (up to $400). Simply include code "ALL40%" in your email order request.
Please read and accept our User Agreement prior to placing your order.
To order, send us your order request via Email. Please
include the names of the CalcSheet(s) and/or Database(s) with the total cost of your order. We will process your order and email you
a request for payment via the PayPal website. If you don't have a PayPal account, you could also use a credit card via the PayPal
website. After receiving your payment, we will then email you the CalcSheet(s) and/or Database(s) within three to five business days.
To find out the status of your order, please send us an Email with the date of your original order request and your payment
date. Our customer support team will get back to you.